Thursday, November 3, 2011

1111.0236 (Tianjun Li et al.)

The F-Landscape: Dynamically Determining the Multiverse    [PDF]

Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker
We evolve our Multiverse Blueprints to characterize our local neighborhood of the String Landscape and the Multiverse of plausible string, M- and F-theory vacua. Building upon the tripodal foundations of i) the Flipped SU(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT), ii) extra TeV-Scale vector-like multiplets derived out of F-theory, and iii) the dynamics of No-Scale Supergravity, together dubbed No-Scale F-SU(5), we demonstrate the existence of a continuous family of solutions which might adeptly describe the dynamics of distinctive universes. This Multiverse landscape of F-SU(5) solutions, which we shall refer to as the F-Landscape, accommodates a subset of universes compatible with the presently known experimental uncertainties of our own universe. We show that by secondarily minimizing the minimum of the scalar Higgs potential of each solution within the F-Landscape, a continuous hypervolume of distinct minimum minimorum can be engineered which comprise a regional dominion of universes, with our own universe cast as the bellwether. We conjecture that an experimental signal at the LHC of the No-Scale F-SU(5) framework's applicability to our own universe might sensibly be extrapolated as corroborating evidence for the role of string, M- and F-theory as a master theory of the Multiverse, with No-Scale supergravity as a crucial and pervasive reinforcing structure.
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