Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1111.1437 (Yu. F. Pirogov)

Unimodular bimode gravity and the coherent scalar-graviton field as galaxy dark matter    [PDF]

Yu. F. Pirogov
The explicit violation of general relativity is adopted as an origin of dark matter and dark energy of the gravitational nature. The violation of the local scale invariance alone, with the residual unimodular invariance/relativity, is considered as a paradigm. Besides the four-volume preserving deformation mode -- the transverse-tensor graviton -- the metric comprises a compression mode -- the scalar graviton, or the {\em systolon}. The unimodular invariant metric theory of the bimode gravity is worked out. Due to a non-dynamical scalar density -- the dark {\em modulus} -- the theory is general covariant. To substantially reduce the primordial ambiguity of the effective Lagrangian a dynamical global symmetry -- the {\em compression} one -- is superimposed at the classical level, with the subsequent spontaneous breaking of the symmetry displayed. The static spherically symmetric field configuration in the empty, but possibly for the origin, space is studied. A three-parameter solution describing a new static space-time structure -- the dark {\em lacuna} -- is revealed. The lacunas comprise two interfering components. First, a compact singular two-parameter static space-time structure -- the dark {\em fracture}. Second, an extended non-singular one-parameter static space-time structure -- the soft-core dark {\em halo} -- built of the coherent systolon field. The halos, and thus lacunas, reveal the property of gravitational meta-confinement, with the logarithmic gravitational attraction potential at the periphery, and result in the profiled asymptotic flat rotation curves. In cosmology, the dark lacunas, consisting of a (super-)massive dark fracture at the origin surrounded by a cored dark halo, may model the dark-matter-dominated/dark galaxies, with other galaxies requiring account for the distributed ordinary matter.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.1437

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