Thursday, November 10, 2011

1111.2067 (C. Martin Gaskell)

Accurate Black Hole Mass Measurements for Thermal AGNs and the Origin of the Correlations Between Black Hole Mass and Bulge Properties    [PDF]

C. Martin Gaskell
A simple refinement is proposed to the Dibai method for determining black hole masses in type-1 thermal AGNs. Comparisons with reverberation mapping black hole masses and host galaxy bulge properties suggest that the method is accurate to +/- 0.15 dex. Contrary to what was thought when the black hole mass - stellar velocity dispersion ("M - sigma") relationship was first discovered, it does not have a lower dispersion than the black hole mass - bulge luminosity ("M - L") relationship. The dispersion in the M - L relationship for AGNs decreases strongly with increasing black hole mass or bulge luminosity. This is naturally explained as a consequence of the black hole - bulge relationships being the result of averaging due to mergers. Simulations show that the decrease in dispersion in the M - L relationship with increasing mass is in qualitative agreement with being driven by mergers. The large scatter in AGN black hole masses at lower masses rules out significant AGN feedback. A non-causal origin of the correlations between black holes and bulges explains the frequent lack of supermassive black holes in late-type galaxies, and the lack of correlation of black hole mass with pseudo-bulges.
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