Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1111.7131 (Erandy Ramirez et al.)

Predictions of just-enough inflation    [PDF]

Erandy Ramirez, Dominik J. Schwarz
We find the best-fit cosmological parameters for a scenario of inflation with only the sufficient amount of accelerated expansion for the $\lambda\phi^4$ potential. While for the simplest scenario of chaotic inflation all observable primordial fluctuations cross the Hubble horizon during the slow-roll epoch, for the scenario of just-enough inflation the slow-roll conditions are violated at the largest length scales. Performing a numerical mode-by-mode integration for the perturbations on the largest scales and comparing the predicted anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background to results from the WMAP 7yr data analysis, we find the initial conditions in agreement with current cosmological data. In contrast to the simplest chaotic model for the quartic potential, the just-enough inflation scenario is not ruled out. Although this scenario naturally gives rise to a modification of the first multipoles, for a quartic potential it cannot explain the lack of power at the largest angular scales.
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