Thursday, November 17, 2011

1111.3852 (Guillermo A. González et al.)

Models of thin discs and spheroidal haloes with masses in a linear relationship: mass estimates for NGC4389 and UGC6969    [PDF]

Guillermo A. González, J. Ibáñez, Jerson I. Reina
A family of models of thin discs and spheroidal haloes with masses in a linear relationship is presented. The models are obtained by considering the gravitational potential as the superposition of two independent components, a potential generated by the thin galactic disc and a potential generated by the spheroidal halo. The models leads to an expression for the circular velocity that can be adjusted very accurately to the observed rotation curves of some specific galaxies, in such a way that the models are stable against radial and vertical perturbations. Two particular models for galaxies NGC4389 and UGC6969 are obtained by adjusting the circular velocity with data taken from the recent paper by Verheijen & Sancici (2001). The values of the halo mass, the disc mass and the total mass for these two galaxies are computed in such a way that we obtain a very narrow interval of values for these quantities. Furthermore, the values of masses here obtained are in perfect agreement with the expected order of magnitude and with the relative order of magnitude between the halo mass and the disc mass.
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