Tuesday, December 20, 2011

1108.5676 (Sayantan Choudhury et al.)

Reheating and leptogenesis in a SUGRA inspired brane inflation    [PDF]

Sayantan Choudhury, Supratik Pal
We have studied extensively phenomenological implications in a specific model of brane inflation driven by background supergravity, via thermal history of the universe and leptogenesis pertaining to the particle physics phenomenology of the early universe. Using the one loop corrected inflationary potential we have investigated for the analytical expression as well as the numerical estimation for brane reheating temperature for standard model particles. This results in some novel features of reheating from this type of inflation which have serious implications in the production of heavy Majorana neutrinos needed for leptogenesis through the reheating temperature. We have also derived the expressions for the gravitino abundance during reheating and radiation dominated era. We have further estimated different parameters at the epoch of phase transition and revealed their salient features. At the end we have explicitly given an estimate of the amount of CP violation through the effective CP phase which is related to baryon asymmetry as well as gravitino dark matter abundance.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.5676

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