Monday, January 16, 2012

1101.0837 (Robert Antonucci)

Thermal and Nonthermal Radio Galaxies    [PDF]

Robert Antonucci
Radio galaxies were discovered and mapped in the 1950s. The optical spectra showed little or no nuclear continuum light. Some also revealed powerful high ionization emission lines, while others showed at most weak low-ionization emission lines. Quasars were found in the 1960s, and their spectra were dominated by powerful continuum radiation which was subsequently identified with optically thick thermal radiation from copious accretion flows, as well as high ionization narrow emission lines, and powerful broad permitted lines. By the 1980s, data from optical polarization and statistics of the radio properties required that many radio galaxies contain hidden quasar nuclei, hidden from the line of sight by dusty, roughly toroidal gas distributions. The radio galaxies with hidden quasars are referred to as "thermal." Do all radio galaxies have powerful hidden quasars? We now know the answer using arguments based on radio, infrared, optical and X-ray properties. Near the top of the radio luminosity function, for FRII, GPS, and CSS galaxies, the answer is yes. Below the top of the radio luminosity function, many do not. At low radio luminosities, most do not. Instead these "nonthermal" weakly-accreting galaxies are powerful emitters of kinetic energy in the form of synchrotron jets. They generally have weak low-ionization lines. This applies to all types of radio galaxy, big FR II doubles, as well as the small young GigaHertz-Peaked-Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum sources. Only a few FR I sources are of the thermal type.
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