Thursday, January 26, 2012

1110.1637 (Andrew B. Newman et al.)

Can Minor Merging Account for the Size Growth of Quiescent Galaxies? New Results from the CANDELS Survey    [PDF]

Andrew B. Newman, Richard S. Ellis, Kevin Bundy, Tommaso Treu
The presence of extremely compact galaxies at z~2 and their subsequent growth in physical size has been the cause of much puzzlement. We revisit the question using deep infrared Wide Field Camera 3 data to probe the rest-frame optical structure of 935 host galaxies selected with 0.4 10^10.7 Msol using optical and near-infrared photometry in the UKIRT Ultra Deep Survey and GOODS-South fields of the CANDELS survey. At each redshift, the most compact sources are those with little or no star formation, and we find that the mean size of these systems grows by a factor of 3.5 +- 0.3 over this redshift interval. The new data are sufficiently deep to enable us to identify companions to these hosts whose stellar masses are ten times smaller, while still yielding suitably accurate photometric redshifts to define a likely physical association. By searching for faint companions around 404 quiescent hosts within a projected physical annulus 10 < R < 30 kpc/h, we estimate the minor merger rate over the redshift range 0.4 < z < 2. After correcting for contamination from projected pairs, we find that 13-18% of quiescent hosts have likely physical companions with stellar mass ratios of 0.1 or greater. Mergers of these companions will typically increase the host mass by 6+-2% per merger timescale. We estimate the minimum growth rate necessary to explain the declining abundance of compact galaxies. Using a simple model of merging motivated by recent numerical simulations, we then assess whether mergers of the faint companions with their hosts are sufficient to explain this minimal rate. We find that mergers with mass ratios > 0.1 may explain most of the size evolution observed at z >~ 1 if a relatively short merger timescale is assumed, but the rapid growth seen at higher redshift likely requires additional physical processes.
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