Friday, January 13, 2012

1201.2405 (M. Boquien et al.)

The IRX-beta relation on sub-galactic scales in star-forming galaxies of the Herschel Reference Survey    [PDF]

M. Boquien, V. Buat, A. Boselli, M. Baes, G. J. Bendo, L. Ciesla, A. Cooray, L. Cortese, S. Eales, G. Gavazzi, H. L. Gomez, V. Lebouteiller, C. Pappalardo, M. Pohlen, M. W. L. Smith, L. Spinoglio
UV and optical surveys are essential to gain insight into the processes driving galaxy formation and evolution. The rest-frame UV emission is key to measure the cosmic SFR. However, UV light is strongly reddened by dust. In starburst galaxies, the UV colour and the attenuation are linked, allowing to correct for dust extinction. Unfortunately, evidence has been accumulating that the relation between UV colour and attenuation is different for normal star-forming galaxies when compared to starburst galaxies. It is still not understood why star-forming galaxies deviate from the UV colour-attenuation relation of starburst galaxies. Previous work and models hint that the role of the shape of the attenuation curve and the age of stellar populations have an important role. In this paper we aim at understanding the fundamental reasons to explain this deviation. We have used the CIGALE SED fitting code to model the far UV to the far IR emission of a set of 7 reasonably face-on spiral galaxies from the HRS. We have explored the influence of a wide range of physical parameters to quantify their influence and impact on the accurate determination of the attenuation from the UV colour, and why normal galaxies do not follow the same relation as starburst galaxies. We have found that the deviation can be best explained by intrinsic UV colour differences between different regions in galaxies. Variations in the shape of the attenuation curve can also play a secondary role. Standard age estimators of the stellar populations prove to be poor predictors of the intrinsic UV colour. These results are also retrieved on a sample of 58 galaxies when considering their integrated fluxes. When correcting the emission of normal star-forming galaxies for the attenuation, it is crucial to take into account possible variations in the intrinsic UV colour as well as variations of the shape of the attenuation curve.
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