1201.4544 (Seyen Kouwn et al.)
Seyen Kouwn, Phillial Oh
We propose a dark energy model with a logarithmic cosmological fluid which
can result in a very small current value of the dark energy density and avoid
the coincidence problem without much fine-tuning. We construct a couple of
dynamical models that could realize this dark energy at very low energy in
terms of four scalar fields quintessence and discuss the current acceleration
of the Universe. Numerical values can be made to be consistent with the
accelerating Universe with adjustment of the two parameters of the theory. The
potential can be given only in terms of the scale factor, but the explicit form
at very low energy can be obtained in terms of the scalar field to yield of the
form V(\phi)=\exp(-2\phi)(\frac{4 A}{3}\phi+B). Some discussions and the
physical implications of this approach are given.
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