Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1202.4453 (Raquel H. Ribeiro)

Inflationary signatures of single-field models beyond slow-roll    [PDF]

Raquel H. Ribeiro
If the expansion of the early Universe was not purely de Sitter, the statistical imprints of the primordial density perturbation on the cosmic microwave background can be quite different from those following slow-roll inflation. In this paper we study the inflationary signatures of all single-field models not plagued by ghost-like instabilities. We assume small deviations from exact scale-invariance, as supported by current cosmological constraints, allow for a rapid change of the Hubble parameter and the phase speed of scalar fluctuations. We obtain the propagator of scalar fluctuations and compute the bispectrum, keeping next-order corrections proportional to the deviation of the spectral index from unity. These theories offer an explicit example where the shape and scale dependences of the bispectrum are highly non-trivial for reasonable breaking of slow-roll.
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