Thursday, March 15, 2012

1203.2758 (Thomas E. Collett et al.)

Constraining the dark energy equation of state with double source plane strong lenses    [PDF]

Thomas E. Collett, Matthew W. Auger, Vasily Belokurov, Philip J. Marshall, Alex C. Hall
We investigate the possibility of constraining the dark energy equation of state by measuring the ratio of Einstein radii in a strong gravitational lens system with two source planes. This quantity is independent of the Hubble parameter and directly measures the growth of angular diameter distances as a function of redshift. We investigate the prospects for a single double source plane system and for a forecast population of systems discovered by re-observing a population of single source lenses already known from a photometrically selected catalogue such as CASSOWARY or from a spectroscopically selected catalogue such as SLACS. We find that constraints comparable to current data-sets (15% uncertainty on the dark equation of state at 68%CL) are possible with a handful of double source plane systems. We also find that the method's degeneracy between Omega_M and w is almost orthogonal to that of CMB and BAO measurements, making this method highly complimentary to current probes.
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