Jie Wang, Carlos S. Frenk, Julio F. Navarro, Liang Gao
Recent studies suggest that only three of the twelve brightest satellites of the Milky Way (MW) inhabit dark matter halos with maximum circular velocity, V_max, exceeding ~30 km/s. This is in apparent contradiction with the LCDM simulations of the Aquarius Project, which suggest that MW-sized halos should have at least 8 subhalos with V_max>30 km/s. The absence of luminous satellites in such massive subhalos is thus puzzling and may present a challenge to the LCDM paradigm. We note, however, that the number of massive subhalos depends strongly on the (poorly-known) virial mass of the Milky Way, and that their scarcity makes estimates of their abundance from a small simulation set like Aquarius uncertain. We use the Millennium Simulation series and the invariance of the scaled subhalo velocity function (i.e., the number of subhalos as a function of \nu, the ratio of subhalo V_max to host halo virial velocity, V_200) to secure improved estimates of the abundance of rare massive subsystems. In the range 0.1<\nu<0.5, N_sub(>\nu) is Poisson-distributed about an average given by =10.2(\nu/0.15)^{-3.11}. This is slightly lower than in Aquarius halos, but consistent with recent results from the Phoenix Project. The probability that a LCDM halo has 3 or fewer subhalos with V_max above some threshold value, V_th, is then straightforward to compute. It decreases steeply both with decreasing V_th and with increasing halo virial mass. For V_th=30 km/s, ~40% of M_200=10^{12} M_sun halos pass the test; fewer than 5% do so for M_200>= 2x 10^{12}M_sun; and the probability effectively vanishes for M_200 >=3x10^{12}M_sun. Rather than a failure of LCDM, the absence of massive subhalos might simply indicate that the Milky Way is less massive than is commonly thought.
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