Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1203.5781 (Lorenzo Iorio et al.)

Solar system constraints on f(T) gravity    [PDF]

Lorenzo Iorio, Emmanuel N. Saridakis
We use recent observations from solar system orbital motions in order to constrain f(T) gravity. In particular, imposing a quadratic f(T) correction to the linear-in-T form, which is a good approximation for every realistic case, we extract the spherical solutions of the theory. Using them to describe the Sun's gravitational field, we use recently determined supplementary advances of planetary perihelia, to infer upper bounds on the allowed f(T) corrections. We find that the maximal allowed divergence from the teleparallel equivalent of General Relativity is of the order of 6.2 \times 10^{-10}, in the applicability region of our analysis. This is much smaller than the corresponding (significantly small too) divergence that is predicted from cosmological observations, as expected. Such a tiny allowed divergence from the linear form should be taken into account in f(T) model building.
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