Friday, May 25, 2012

1205.4016 (Peter L. Biermann et al.)

A graviton statistics approach to dark energy, inflation and black holes    [PDF]

Peter L. Biermann, Benjamin C. Harms
We derive two new equations of quantum gravity and combine them with reinterpretations of previously proposed concepts of dark energy, inflation and black holes into a theory which may be a first step toward a comprehensive description of all three phenomena. The resulting theory also predicts new tests which can be experimentally checked within just a few years. The two new equations are : A) a creation equation to give stimulated emission for any surface filled with gravitons, pulling energy from a background, and B) the association of an outgoing soliton wave of gravitons, a "shell front" with a large Lorentz factor derived from the uncertainties in both space and time. These new equations are combined with the common notions of an all-pervasive background of gravitons at the Planck limit, the "Planck sea"; the identification of the thermodynamic limit with the emission of gravitons in a "shell front", i.e. what is usually called the entropy of black holes is identified with the outgoing gravitons; the concept of black holes as a membrane full of gravitons at a large Lorentz factor, the "Planck shell"; the emission of gravitons created in a "horizon shell" during inflation. These equations result in stimulated emission of gravitons by the interaction with the background, the "Planck sea", to describe dark energy, black holes, the inflationary period of the universe, and the arrow of time. These proposals lead to gravitational waves constituting dark energy. These waves should be detectable within a few years with pulsar timing arrays. These gravitational waves can be characterized as uncorrelated solitons, and should also be detectable with ultra-high precision lunar laser ranging, as well as with correspondingly precise clocks. The extremely high, but finite Lorentz factor for signal propagation may be expected to have further consequences in particle interactions.
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