A. E. Schulz, Walter Dehnen, Gerard Jungman, Scott Tremaine
We simulate the evolution of one-dimensional gravitating collisionless systems from non- equilibrium initial conditions, similar to the conditions that lead to the formation of dark- matter halos in three dimensions. As in the case of 3D halo formation we find that initially cold, nearly homogeneous particle distributions collapse to approach a final equilibrium state with a universal density profile. At small radii, this attractor exhibits a power-law behavior in density, {\rho}(x) \propto |x|^(-{\gamma}_crit), {\gamma}_crit \simeq 0.47, slightly but significantly shallower than the value {\gamma} = 1/2 suggested previously. This state develops from the initial conditions through a process of phase mixing and violent relaxation. This process preserves the energy ranks of particles. By warming the initial conditions, we illustrate a cross-over from this power-law final state to a final state containing a homogeneous core. We further show that inhomogeneous but cold power-law initial conditions, with initial exponent {\gamma}_i > {\gamma}_crit, do not evolve toward the attractor but reach a final state that retains their original power-law behavior in the interior of the profile, indicating a bifurcation in the final state as a function of the initial exponent. Our results rely on a high-fidelity event-driven simulation technique.
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