Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1207.2324 (Eugene V. Kholopov)

Topological quantum correction to an atomic ideal gas law as a dark energy effect    [PDF]

Eugene V. Kholopov
The traditional ambiguity about the bulk electrostatic potentials in crystals is due to the conditional convergence of Coulomb series. The classical Ewald approach turns out to be the first one resolving this task as consistent with a translational symmetry. The latter result appears to be directly associated with the thermodynamic limit in crystals. In this case the solution can also be obtained upon direct lattice summation, but after subtracting the mean Bethe potential. As shown, this effect is associated with special periodic boundary conditions at infinity so as to neutralize an arbitrary choice of the unit-cell charge distribution. However, the fact that any additional potential exerted by some charge distribution must in turn affect that charge distribution in equilibrium is not discussed in the case at hand so far. Here we show that in the simplest event of gaseous atomic hydrogen as an example, the self-consistent mean-field-potential correction results in an additional pressure contribution to an ideal gas law. As a result, the corresponding correction to the sound velocity arises. Moreover, if gas in question is not bounded by any fixed volume, then some acceleration within that medium is expected. Addressed to the Friedman hypersphere, our result may be interesting in connection with the accelerating Universe revealed experimentally and discussed intensively.
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