Monday, August 6, 2012

1208.0635 (Akifumi Yumoto et al.)

Shadows of Multi-Black Holes: Analytic Exploration    [PDF]

Akifumi Yumoto, Daisuke Nitta, Takeshi Chiba, Naoshi Sugiyama
Shadows of multi-black holes have structures distinct from the mere superposition of the shadow of a single black hole: the eyebrow-like structures outside the main shadows and the deformation of the shadows. We present analytic estimates of these structures using the static multi-black hole solution (Majumdar-Papapetrou solution). We show that the width of the eyebrow is related with the distance between the black holes and that the shadows are deformed into ellipses due to the presence of the second black holes. These results are helpful to understand qualitatively the features of the shadows of colliding black holes. We also present the shadows of colliding/coalescing black holes in the Kastor-Traschen solution.
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