Thursday, August 30, 2012

1208.5770 (Madhura Killedar et al.)

How Baryonic Processes affect Strong Lensing properties of Simulated Galaxy Clusters    [PDF]

Madhura Killedar, Stefano Borgani, Massimo Meneghetti, Klaus Dolag, Dunja Fabjan, Luca Tornatore
The observed abundance of giant arcs produced by galaxy cluster lenses and the measured Einstein radii have presented a source of tension for LCDM. Previous cosmological tests for high-redshift clusters (z>0.5) have suffered from small number statistics in the simulated sample and the implementation of baryonic physics is likely to affect the outcome. We analyse zoomed-in simulations of a fairly large sample of cluster-sized objects, with Mvir > 3x10^14 Msun/h, identified at z=0.25 and z=0.5, for a concordance LCDM cosmology. We start with dark matter only simulations, and then add gas hydrodynamics, with different treatments of baryonic processes: non-radiative cooling, radiative cooling with star formation and galactic winds powered by supernova explosions, and finally including the effect of AGN feedback. We find that the addition of gas in non-radiative simulations does not change the strong lensing predictions significantly, but gas cooling and star formation together significantly increase the number of expected giant arcs and the Einstein radii, particularly for lower redshift clusters and lower source redshifts. Further inclusion of AGN feedback reduces the predicted strong lensing efficiencies such that the lensing probability distributions becomes closer to those obtained for simulations including only dark matter. Our results indicate that the inclusion of baryonic physics in simulations will not solve the arc-statistics problem at low redshifts, when the physical processes included provide a realistic description of cooling in the central regions of galaxy clusters. [Abridged]
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