Friday, September 21, 2012

1209.4570 (Kerstin E. Kunze)

Cross correlations from back reaction on stochastic magnetic fields    [PDF]

Kerstin E. Kunze
The induction equation induces non trivial correlations between the primordial curvature mode and the magnetic mode which is a non linear effect. Assuming a stochastic, gaussian magnetic field the resulting power spectra determining the two point cross correlation functions between the primordial curvature perturbation and the magnetic energy density contrast as well as the magnetic anisotropic stress are calculated approximately. The corresponding numerical solutions are used to calculate the angular power spectra determining the temperature anisotropies and polarization of the cosmic microwave background, $C_{\ell}$. It is found that the resulting $C_{\ell}$ are sub-leading in comparison to those generated by the compensated mode for a magnetic field which only redshifts with the expansion of the universe.The main focus are scalar modes, however, vector modes will also be briefly discussed.
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