Monday, September 24, 2012

1209.4859 (M. E. Rodrigues et al.)

Anisotropic Universe Models in f(T) Gravity    [PDF]

M. E. Rodrigues, M. J. S. Houndjo, D. Saez-Gomez, F. Rahaman
We investigate the cosmological reconstruction in anisotropic universe for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous content of the universe. Special attention is attached to three interesting cases: Bianchi type-I, and Bianchi type-III and Kantowski-Sachs models. The de Sitter, power-law and general exponential solutions are assumed for the scale factor in each spatial direction and the corresponding cosmological models are reconstructed. Moreover, for the general exponential solutions, from which the de Sitter and power-law solutions may be obtained, we obtain models which reproduce the early universe, assumed as the inflation, and the late time accelerated expanding universe. The models obtained for the late time universe are consistent with a known result in literature where a power-law type correction in T is added to a power-law type of f(T) for guaranteeing the avoidance of the Big Rip and the Big Freeze.
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