Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1209.5159 (Keiki Saito et al.)

High frequency limit for gravitational perturbations of cosmological models in modified gravity theories    [PDF]

Keiki Saito, Akihiro Ishibashi
In general relativity, it has been shown that the effective gravitational stress-energy tensor for short-wavelength metric perturbations acts just like that for a radiation fluid, and thus, in particular, cannot provide any effects that mimic dark energy. However, it is far from obvious if this property of the effective gravitational stress-energy tensor is a specific nature held only in the Einstein gravity, or holds also in other theories of gravity. In particular, when considering modified gravity theories that involve higher order derivative terms, one may expect to have some non-negligible effects arising from higher order derivatives of short-wavelength perturbations. In this paper, we argue this is not the case at least in the cosmological context. We show that when the background, or coarse-grained metric averaged over several wavelengths has FLRW symmetry, the effective gravitational stress-energy tensor for metric perturbations of a cosmological model in a simple class of f(R) gravity theories, as well as that obtained in the corresponding scalar-tensor theory, takes a similar form to that in general relativity and is in fact traceless, hence acting again like a radiation fluid.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.5159

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