Thursday, October 11, 2012

1106.5283 (Kerson Huang et al.)

Scalar Field Cosmology II: Superfluidity, Quantum Turbulence, and Inflation    [PDF]

Kerson Huang, Hwee-Boon Low, Roh-Suan Tung
We generalize the big-bang model in a previous paper by extending the real vacuum scalar field to a complex vacuum scalar field, within the FLRW framework. The phase dynamics of the scalar field, which makes the universe a superfluid, is described in terms of a density of quantized vortex lines, and a tangle of vortex lines gives rise to quantum turbulence. We propose that all the matter in the universe was created in the turbulence, through reconnection of vortex lines, a process necessary for the maintenance of the vortex tangle. The vortex tangle grows and decays, and its lifetime is the era of inflation. These ideas are implemented in a set of closed cosmological equations that describe the cosmic expansion driven by the scalar field on the one hand, and the vortex-matter dynamics on the other. We show how these two aspects decouple from each other, due to a vast difference in energy scales. The model is not valid beyond the inflation era, but the universe remains a superfluid afterwards. This gives rise to observable effects in the present universe, including dark matter, galactic voids, non-thermal filaments, and cosmic jets.
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