Friday, October 5, 2012

1210.1409 (Yupeng Yang et al.)

Dark Matter Decay and the Abundance of Ultracompact Minihalos    [PDF]

Yupeng Yang, Guilin Yang, Hongshi Zong
Ultracompact minihalos would be formed if there are larger density perturbations in the earlier epoch. The density of the them is higher comparing with the standard dark matter halos. If the dark matter can decay into the standard particles e.g. photons, these objects would be the potential astrophysical sources. In order to be consistent with the observations, such as F ermi, the abundance of ultracompact minihalos must be constrained. On the other hand, the formation of these objects has very tighten relation with the primordial density perturbations on smaller scale, so the fraction of ultracompact minihalos is very important for the modern cosmology. In this work, we investigate the {\gamma}-ray signals from ultracompact minihalos due to dark matter decay and research the constraints on the abundance of them in detail for the different parameters.
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