Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1211.0756 (Miao Li et al.)

Cosmological Constraints on the New HDE Model with Action Principle    [PDF]

Miao Li, Xiao-Dong Li, Jun Meng, Zhenhui Zhang
Recently, a New HDE model with action principle was proposed (Li and Miao, arXiv:1210.0966). This model completely solves the causality and circular problems in the original HDE model, and is similar to the original model except a new term that can be interpreted as dark radiation. In this paper, we make further investigations on this model from the aspect of cosmological observations. Numerically, we confirm that the equations of motion force the $L(z=-1)=0$, making the cut-off $aL$ exactly the future event horizon. We also perform detailed analysis on the dynamical properties of the model, divided into the $c<6$ and $c\geq6$ cases ($c$ is a dimensionless parameter which should be decided by the data). From a combination of the present Union2.1+BAO+CMB+$H_0$ data, we find the model yields $\chi^2_{\rm min}=548.798$ (in a non-flat Universe), comparable to the results of the original HDE model (549.461) and the concordant $\Lambda$CDM model (550.354). At 95.4% CL, we get $1.41View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.0756

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