Thursday, November 15, 2012

1211.3130 (Nuala McCullagh et al.)

Removing BAO-peak Shifts with Local Density Transforms    [PDF]

Nuala McCullagh, Mark C. Neyrinck, István Szapudi, Alexander S. Szalay
Large-scale bulk flows in the Universe distort the initial density field, broadening the baryon-acoustic-oscillation (BAO) feature that was imprinted when baryons were strongly coupled to photons. Additionally, there is a small shift in the peak of the conventional overdensity correlation function, a mass-weighted statistic. This shift occurs when high density peaks move toward each other. We explore whether this shift can be removed by applying to the density field a transform (such as a logarithm) that gives fairer statistical weight to fluctuations in underdense regions. Using configuration-space perturbation theory in the Zel'dovich approximation, we find that the log-density correlation function shows a much smaller shift in the position of the BAO peak at low redshift than is seen in the overdensity correlation function. We also show that if the initial, Lagrangian density of matter parcels could be estimated at their Eulerian positions, giving a displaced-initial-density field, the peak shift would be even smaller. In our model, these shifts in the peak position can be attributed to shift terms, involving the derivative of the linear correlation function, that entirely vanish in this displaced-initial-density field.
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