Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1301.3133 (Yong-Seon Song et al.)

Chasing Unbiased Spectra of the Universe    [PDF]

Yong-Seon Song, Takahiro Nishimichi, Atsushi Taruya, Issha Kayo
The cosmological power spectrum of the coherent matter flow is measured exploiting an improved prescription for the apparent anisotropic clustering pattern in redshift space. New statistical analysis is presented to provide an optimal observational platform to link the improved redshift distortion theoretical model to future real datasets. The statistical power as well as robustness of our method are tested against 60 realizations of 8 Gpc/h^3 dark matter simulation maps mocking the precision level of upcoming wide--deep surveys. We showed that we can accurately extract the velocity power spectrum up to quasi linear scales of k~0.1 h/Mpc at z = 0.35 and up to k~0.15 h/Mpc at higher redshifts within a couple of percentage precision level. Our understanding of redshift space distortion is proved to be appropriate for precision cosmology, and our statistical method will guide us to righteous path to meet the real world.
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