Monday, January 21, 2013

1301.4358 (Priti Mishra et al.)

Redshift-drift as a test for discriminating between decelerating inhomogeneous and accelerating universe models    [PDF]

Priti Mishra, Marie-Noëlle Célérier, Tejinder P. Singh
Exact inhomogeneous solutions of Einstein's equations have been used in the literature to build models reproducing the cosmological data without dark energy. However, owing to the degrees of freedom pertaining to these models, it is necessary to get rid of the degeneracy of ten exhibited by the problem of distinguishing between them and accelerating universe models. We give an overview of redshift drift in inhomogeneous cosmologies, and explain how it serves to this purpose. One class of models which fits the data is the Szekeres Swiss-cheese class where non-spherically symmetric voids exhibit a typical size of about 400 Mpc. We present our calculation of the redshift drift in this model, and compare it with the results obtained by other authors for alternate scenarios.
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