Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1301.5243 (Omer Farooq et al.)

Hubble parameter measurement constraints on the cosmological deceleration-acceleration transition redshift    [PDF]

Omer Farooq, Bharat Ratra
We compile a list of 28 independent measurements of the Hubble parameter between redshifts 0.07 < z < 2.3 and use this to place constraints on model parameters of constant and time-evolving dark energy cosmologies. These H(z) measurements by themselves require a currently accelerating cosmological expansion at about, or better than, 3-sigma confidence. The mean and standard deviation of the 6 best-fit model deceleration-acceleration transition redshifts (for the 3 cosmological models and 2 Hubble constant priors we consider) is $z_{\rm da} = 0.74 \pm 0.05$, in good agreement with the recent Busca et al. (2012) determination of $z_{\rm da} = 0.82 \pm 0.08$ based on 11 H(z) measurements between redshifts 0.2 < z < 2.3, almost entirely from BAO-like data.
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