Thursday, January 24, 2013

1301.5477 (Wlodzimierz Godlowski et al.)

The investigations of anisotropy in orientations of galaxies    [PDF]

Wlodzimierz Godlowski, Elena Panko, Paulina Pajowska, Piotr Flin
In 1994 Parnovsky, Karachentsev and Karachentseva suggested a modified method for investigation of the orientations of galaxies. Using this method they analyzed galaxies from the UGC and ESO catalogues, as well as from their's own catalogue inclusive of flat, edge-on galaxies. They found statistically significant anisotropy in the galaxies orientations'. In 1995 Flin suggested that this anisotropy has to be specific to LOcal Supercluster (LSC) In the present paper, using the method proposed by Parnovsky, Karachentsev and Karachentseva in 1994, we analyzed orientation of galaxies in the sample of galaxies belonging to LSC founding only a weak anisotropy. The relation of this method to Hawley and Peebles (1975) method of the investigation of the orientation of galaxies was discussed as well.
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