Monday, January 28, 2013

1301.5908 (James M. Cline et al.)

Dark Matter CMB Constraints and Likelihoods for Poor Particle Physicists    [PDF]

James M. Cline, Pat Scott
The cosmic microwave background provides constraints on the annihilation and decay of light dark matter at redshifts between 100 and 1000, the strength of which depends upon the fraction of energy ending up in the form of electrons and photons. The resulting constraints are usually presented for a limited selection of annihilation and decay channels. Here we provide constraints on the annihilation cross section and decay rate, at discrete values of the dark matter mass, for all the annihilation and decay channels whose secondary spectra have been computed using PYTHIA in arXiv:1012.4515 ("PPPC4DMID: A Poor Particle Physicist Cookbook for Dark Matter Indirect Detection"), namely e, mu, tau, V -> e, V -> mu, V -> tau, u, d, s, c, b, t, gamma, g, W, Z and h. By interpolating in mass, these can be used to find the CMB constraints and likelihood functions from WMAP7 and Planck for a wide range of dark matter models, including those with annihilation or decay into a linear combination of different channels.
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