Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1302.4276 (N. K. Agius et al.)

GAMA/H-ATLAS: Linking the Properties of Sub-mm Detected and Undetected Early-Type Galaxies: I. z$\le$0.06 Sample    [PDF]

N. K. Agius, A. E. Sansom, C. C. Popescu, E. Andrae, M. Baes, I. Baldry, N. Bourne, S. Brough, C. J. R. Clark, C. Conselice, A. Cooray, A. Dariush, G. De Zotti, S. P. Driver, L. Dunne, S. A. Eales, C. Foster, H. L. Gomez, B. Haußler, A. M. Hopkins, R. Hopwood, R. J. Ivison, L. S. Kelvin, M. A. Lara-Lopez, J. Liske, A. Lopez-Sanchez, J. Loveday, S. Maddox, B. Madore, S. Phillipps, A. Robotham, K. Rowlands, M. Seibert, M. W. L. Smith, P. Temi, R. Tuffs, E. Valiante
We present two large, nearby (0.013$\le$z$\le$0.06) samples of Early-Type Galaxies (ETGs): a visually classified sample of 220 ETGs, created using source-matched data from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) database with FIR/sub-mm detections from $Herschel$-ATLAS; and a visually classified sample of 551 ETGs which are undetected with $Herschel$-ATLAS. Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are removed from our samples using optical emission line diagnostics. These samples are scrutinised to determine characteristics of sub-mm detected versus undetected ETGs. We find similarities in the stellar mass distributions of the two ETG samples but testing other properties uncovers significant differences. The sub-mm detected sample is shown to have lower concentration and S\'ersic indices than those in the undetected sample - a result which may be linked to the presence of dust in the former. Optical and UV-optical colours are also shown to be much bluer, indicating that the dust is linked with recent star formation. The intrinsic effective radii are on average 1.5 times larger for the sub-mm detected ETGs. Surface densities and groups data from the GAMA database are examined for the two samples, leading to the conclusion that dusty ETGs inhabit sparser environments than non-dusty ETGs in the nearby universe, although environments of the brightest ETGs are shown to differ the least. Modified Planck functions are fit to the H-ATLAS detected PACS and SPIRE fluxes for ETGs with sub-mm flux densities of at least 3$\sigma$ in the 350$\mu$m SPIRE band, giving a resultant mean cold dust temperature of T$_{d}$=22.1K, with a range of 9-30K. The corresponding mean dust mass is 1.8$\times10^{7}$M$_{\odot}$, with a range of (0.08-35.0)$\times10^{7}$M$_{\odot}$. The dust masses calculated from these fits, normalised by stellar mass, are shown to increase with decreasing stellar mass and bluer colours.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.4276

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