Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1302.6237 (Sean L. McGee)

The strong environmental dependence of black hole scaling relations    [PDF]

Sean L. McGee
We investigate how the scaling relations between central black hole mass (Mbh) and host galaxy properties (velocity dispersion, bulge stellar mass and bulge luminosity) depend on the large scale environment. For each of a sample of 69 galaxies with dynamical black hole measurements we compile four environmental measures (nearest neighbor distance, fixed aperture number density, total halo mass, and central/satellite). We find that central and satellite galaxies follow distinctly separate scalings in each of the three relations we have examined. The Mbh - sigma relation of central galaxies is significantly steeper (6.39 +/- 0.50) than that of satellite galaxies (4.78 +/- 0.51), but has a similar intercept. This behavior remains even after restricting to a sample of only early type galaxies or after removing the 8 brightest cluster galaxies. The Mbh - sigma relation shows more modest differences when splitting the sample based on the other environmental indicators, suggesting that they are driven by the underlying satellite/central fractions. Separate relations for centrals and satellites are also seen in the power law scaling between black hole mass and bulge stellar mass or bulge luminosity. We suggest that gas rich, low mass galaxies undergo a period of rapid black hole growth in the process of becoming satellites. If central galaxies on the current Mbh - sigma relation are representative progenitors of the satellite population, the observations imply that a sigma = 120 km/s galaxy must nearly triple its central black hole mass. The elevated black hole masses of massive central galaxies are then a natural consequence of the accretion of satellites.
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