Philippe Brax, Anne-C. Davis, Baojiu Li, Hans A. Winther, Gong-Bo Zhao
In this work we systematically study the linear and nonlinear structure formation in chameleon theories of modified gravity, using a generic parameterisation which describes a large class of models using only 4 parameters. For this we have modified the N-body simulation code ECOSMOG to perform a total of 65 simulations for different models and parameter values, including the default LCDM. These simulations enable us to explore a significant portion of the parameter space. We have studied the effects of modified gravity on the matter power spectrum and mass function, and found a rich and interesting phenomenology where the difference with the LCDM paradigm cannot be reproduced by a linear analysis even on scales as large as k~0.05h/Mpc. Our results show that the chameleon screening mechanism is significantly more efficient than other mechanisms such as the dilaton and symmetron, especially in high-density regions and at early times, and can serve as a guidance to determine the parts of the chameleon parameter space which are cosmologically interesting and thus merit further studies in the future.
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