Thursday, March 21, 2013

1303.4159 (Akhilesh Nautiyal)

Anisotropic Non-gaussianity with noncommutative spacetime    [PDF]

Akhilesh Nautiyal
We study single field inflation in noncommutative spacetime and compute two-point and three-point correlation functions for the curvature perturbation. We find that both power spectrum and bispectrum for comoving curvature perturbation are statistically anisotropic and the bispectrum is also modified by a phase factor depending upon the noncommutative parameters. The non-linearity parameter $f_{NL}$ is small for small statistical anisotropic corrections to the bispectrum coming from the noncommutative geometry. There is a scale dependence of $f_{NL}$ due to the noncommutative spacetime which is different from the standard single field inflation models and statistically anisotropic vector field inflation models. The anisotropy of the two-point function and the running of the $f_{NL}$ parameter will be tested precisely from the data which will be released soon from the PLANCK experiment.
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