Friday, April 19, 2013

1304.5151 (Naoki Seto)

Highly Eccentric Kozai Mechanism and GW Observation for Neutron Star Binaries    [PDF]

Naoki Seto
The Kozai mechanism for a hierarchical triple system could reduce the merger time of inner eccentric binary emitting gravitational waves (GWs), and has been qualitatively explained with the secular theory that is derived by averaging short-term orbital rotations. However, with the secular theory, the minimum value of the inner pericenter distance could be artificially blocked by the back-reaction of GW emission. Compared with traditional predictions, the actual evolution of an eccentric inner binary could be accompanied by (i) a higher characteristic frequency of the pulse-like GWs around its pericenter passages, and (ii) a larger residual eccentricity at its final inspiral phase. These findings would be important for GW astronomy with the forthcoming advanced detectors.
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