Thursday, April 25, 2013

1304.6522 (Charles L. Majer et al.)

Joint reconstruction of galaxy clusters from gravitational lensing and thermal gas. II. Inversion of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect    [PDF]

Charles L. Majer, Sven Meyer, Sara Konrad, Eleonora Sarli, Matthias Bartelmann
This paper continues a series in which we intend to show how all observables of galaxy clusters can be combined to recover the two-dimensional, projected gravitational potential of individual clusters. Our goal is to develop a non-parametric algorithm for joint cluster reconstruction taking all cluster observables into account. In this paper, we begin with the relation between the Compton-y parameter and the Newtonian gravitational potential, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium and a polytropic stratification of the intracluster gas. We show how Richardson-Lucy deconvolution can be used to convert the intensity change of the CMB due to the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect into an estimate for the two-dimensional gravitational potential. Synthetic data simulated with characteristics of the ALMA telescope show that the two-dimensional potential of a cluster with mass 5*10^14 M_sun/h at redshift 0.2 is possible with an error of < 5% between the cluster centre and a radius r < 0.9 Mpc/h.
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