L. Sebastiani, D. Momeni, R. Myrzakulov, S. D. Odintsov
We investigate the future evolution of Nariai black hole which is extremal limit of Schwarzschild-de Sitter one in modified gravity. The perturbations equations around Nariai black hole are derived in static and cosmological patches for general $F(R)$-gravity. The analytical and numerical study of several realistic $F(R)$-models shows the occurence of rich variety of scenarios: instabilities, celebrated Hawking evaporation and anti-evaporation of black hole. The realization of specific scenario depends on the model under consideration. It is remarkable that the presence of such primordial black holes at current universe may indicate towards the modified gravity which supports the anti-evaporation as preferrable model. As some generalization we extend the study of Nariai black hole evolution to modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity. The corresponding perturbations equations turn out to be much more complicated than in the case of $F(R)$ gravity. For specific example of modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity we demonstrate that Nariai solution maybe stable.
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