Monday, June 3, 2013

1305.7039 (Dmitry Shogin et al.)

Evolution of a Simple Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Cosmological Model with Diffusion    [PDF]

Dmitry Shogin, Sigbjorn Hervik
We investigate a simple inhomogeneous anisotropic cosmology (plane symmetric $G_2$ model) filled with a tilted perfect fluid undergoing velocity diffusion on a scalar field. Considered are two types of fluid: dust and radiation. We solve the system of Einstein field equations and diffusion equations numerically and demonstrate how the universe evolves towards its future asymptotic state. Also, typical time scales of characteristic processes are determined. The obtained results for dust- and radiation-filled cosmologies are compared to each other and to those in the diffusionless case, giving a hint on which effects can be the result of including diffusion in more complicated models. For example, diffusion causes the accelerated expansion stage to arrive at later times.
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