1105.3697 (Luciano Lorenzi)
Luciano Lorenzi
The expansion center Universe gives a dipole anisotropy to the Hubble law, at
any Hubble depth D. After a long series of successful dipole tests on the
nearby Universe, using historic data sets of about half a century, and that
carried out on 53 SCP SNe Ia ranging around the average redshift =0.5 (ECM
paper VI: SAIt2004 in Milan), here is a crucial multiple dipole test at z bins
centred on the mean =1.0, or Hubble depth D=c/H0, and based on data from SCP
Union compilation (SCPU: Kowalski et al. 2008) and SCP Union2 (SCPU2: Amanullah
et al. 2010), including those obtained within "The new wedge-shaped Hubble
diagram of 398 SCP supernovae..." (ECM paper IX: SAIt2010 in Naples). Table
5abc lists data of two main samples, with 48 SCPU SNe Ia and 58 SCPU2 SNe Ia
respectively. The confirmed dipole anisotropy, shown by 6 primary sample tests
and by another 27 from 9 encapsulated z bins with DL=D(1+z) assumed, gives a
model independent result, in full accordance with the expansion center model.
This means a maximum cz range of about 50000 km/s at the central redshift z0=1.
A further check and deepening of the topic is given in the parallel paper XI
"Dipole analysis of 249 High-z SCP Union supernovae according to the expansion
center model" and its ADDENDUM NOTE - October 2011 -.
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