J. Loveday, P. Norberg, I. K. Baldry, S. P. Driver, A. M. Hopkins, J. A. Peacock, S. P. Bamford, J. Liske, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, M. J. I. Brown, E. Cameron, C. J. Conselice, S. M. Croom, C. S. Frenk, M. Gunawardhana, D. T. Hill, D. H. Jones, L. S. Kelvin, K. Kuijken, R. C. Nichol, H. R. Parkinson, S. Phillipps, K. A. Pimbblet, C. C. Popescu, M. Prescott, A. S. G. Robotham, R. G. Sharp, W. J. Sutherland, E. N. Taylor, D. Thomas, R. J. Tuffs, E. van Kampen, D. Wijesinghe
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) is a project to study galaxy formation and
evolution, combining imaging data from ultraviolet to radio with spectroscopic
data from the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Using
data from phase 1 of GAMA, taken over three observing seasons, and correcting
for various minor sources of incompleteness, we calculate galaxy luminosity
functions (LFs) and their evolution in the ugriz passbands.
At low redshift, z < 0.1, we find that blue galaxies, defined according to a
magnitude-dependent but non-evolving colour cut, are reasonably well fit over a
range of more than ten magnitudes by simple Schechter functions in all bands.
Red galaxies, and the combined blue-plus-red sample, require double power-law
Schechter functions to fit a dip in their LF faintward of the characteristic
magnitude M* before a steepening faint end. This upturn is at least partly due
to dust-reddened disk galaxies.
We measure evolution of the galaxy LF over the redshift range 0.002 < z < 0.5
using both a parametric fit and by measuring binned LFs in redshift slices. The
characteristic luminosity L* is found to increase with redshift in all bands,
with red galaxies showing stronger luminosity evolution than blue galaxies. The
comoving number density of blue galaxies increases with redshift, while that of
red galaxies decreases, consistent with prevailing movement from blue cloud to
red sequence. As well as being more numerous at higher redshift, blue galaxies
also dominate the overall luminosity density beyond redshifts z = 0.2. At lower
redshifts, the luminosity density is dominated by red galaxies in the riz
bands, by blue galaxies in u and g.
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