Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1111.6598 (Hong Guo et al.)

An Accurate Method to Correct for Fiber Collisions in Galaxy Clustering Statistics    [PDF]

Hong Guo, Idit Zehavi, Zheng Zheng
In fiber-fed galaxy redshift surveys, the finite size of the fiber plugs prevents two fibers from being placed too close to one another, limiting the ability of studying galaxy clustering on all scales. We present an accurate and unbiased method for correcting such fiber collision effects in galaxy clustering statistics based on spectroscopic observations. The target galaxy sample is divided into two distinct populations according to the targeting algorithm of fiber placement, one free of fiber collisions and the other consisting of collided galaxies. The clustering statistics are a combination of the contributions from these two populations. Our method makes use of observations in tile overlap regions to measure the contributions from the collided population, and to therefore recover the full clustering statistics. The method is rooted in solid theoretical ground and is tested extensively on mock galaxy catalogs. We demonstrate that our method can well recover the projected and the full three-dimensional redshift-space two-point correlation functions on scales both below and above the fiber collision scale, superior to the commonly used nearest neighbor and angular correction methods. The correction accuracy of our method is only limited by sample variance, which scales down with (the square root of) the volume probed. For a sample similar to the final SDSS-III BOSS galaxy sample, the correction error is expected to be at the level of 1% on scales ~ 0.1-30 Mpc/h for the two-point correlation functions. Our correction method, which can be generalized to other clustering statistics as well, enables accurate measurements of full three-dimensional galaxy clustering on all scales with galaxy redshift surveys.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.6598

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