Friday, January 20, 2012

1201.3994 (Attila Popping et al.)

Comparison of potential ASKAP HI survey source finders    [PDF]

Attila Popping, Russell Jurek, Tobias Westmeier, Paolo Serra, Lars Floer, Martin Meyer, Baerbel Koribalski
The large size of the ASKAP HI surveys DINGO and WALLABY necessitates automated 3D source finding. A performance difference of a few percent corresponds to a significant number of galaxies being detected or undetected. As such, the performance of the automated source finding is of paramount importance to both of these surveys. We have analysed the performance of various source finders to determine which will allow us to meet our survey goals during the DINGO and WALLABY design studies. Here we present a comparison of the performance of five different methods of automated source finding. These source finders are Duchamp, the Gamma-finder, CNHI, a 2D-1D Wavelet Reconstruction and S+C finder, a sigma clipping method. Each source finder was applied on the same three-dimensional data cubes containing (a) point sources with a Gaussian velocity profile and (b) spatially extended model-galaxies with inclinations and rotation profiles. We focus on the completeness and reliability of each algorithm when comparing the performance of the different source finders.
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