Monday, March 19, 2012

1105.3838 (Will Sutherland)

A cosmic speed-trap: a gravity-independent test of cosmic acceleration using baryon acoustic oscillations    [PDF]

Will Sutherland
We propose a new and highly model-independent test of cosmic acceleration by comparing observations of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale at low and intermediate redshifts: we derive a new inequality relating BAO observables at two distinct redshifts, which must be satisfied for any reasonable homogeneous non-accelerating model, but is violated by models similar to LambdaCDM, due to acceleration in the recent past. This test is fully independent of the theory of gravity (GR or otherwise), the Friedmann equations, CMB and supernova observations: the test assumes only the Cosmological Principle, and that the length-scale of the BAO feature is fixed in comoving coordinates. Given realistic medium-term observations from BOSS, this test is expected to exclude all homogeneous non-accelerating models at ~ 4\sigma significance, and can reach ~ 7\sigma with next-generation surveys.
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