Brenda L. Frye, Mairead Hurley, David. V. Bowen, Gerhardt Meurer, Keren Sharon, Amber Straughn, Dan Coe, Tom Broadhurst, Puragra Guhathakurta
We take advantage of gravitational lensing amplification by Abell 1689 (z=0.187) to undertake the first space-based census of emission line galaxies (ELGs) in the field of a massive lensing cluster. Forty-three ELGs are identified to a flux of i_775=27.3 via slitless grism spectroscopy. One ELG (at z=0.7895) is very bright owing to lensing magnification by a factor of ~4.5. Several Balmer emission lines detected from ground-based follow-up spectroscopy signal the onset of a major starburst for this low-mass galaxy (M_* = 2 x 10^9 solar masses) with a high specific star formation rate (~20 /Gyr). From the blue emission lines we measure a gas-phase oxygen abundance consistent with solar (12+log(O/H)=8.8 +/- 0.2). We break the continuous line-emitting region of this giant arc into seven ~1kpc bins (intrinsic size) and measure a variety of metallicity dependent line ratios. A weak trend of increasing metal fraction is seen toward the dynamical center of the galaxy. Interestingly, the metal line ratios in a region offset from the center by ~1kpc have a placement on the blue HII region excitation diagram with f([OIII])/f(Hbeta) and f([NeIII])/f(Hbeta) that can be fit by an AGN. This asymmetrical AGN-like behavior is interpreted as a product of shocks in the direction of the galaxy's extended tail, possibly instigated by a recent galaxy interaction.
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