Thursday, June 14, 2012

1206.2838 (Jean-Michel Alimi et al.)

DEUS Full Observable ΛCDM Universe Simulation: the numerical challenge    [PDF]

Jean-Michel Alimi, Vincent Bouillot, Yann Rasera, Vincent Reverdy, Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Irene Balmes, Stéphane Requena, Xavier Delaruelle, Jean-Noel Richet
We have performed the first-ever numerical N- body simulation of the full observable universe (DEUS "Dark Energy Universe Simulation" FUR "Full Universe Run"). This has evolved 550 billion particles on an Adaptive Mesh Refinement grid with more than two trillion computing points along the entire evolutionary history of the universe and across 6 order of magnitudes length scales, from the size of the Milky Way to that of the whole observable universe. To date, this is the largest and most advanced cosmological simulation ever run. It provides unique information on the formation and evolution of the largest structure in the universe and an exceptional support to future observational programs dedicated to mapping the distribution of matter and galaxies in the universe. The simulation has run on 4752 (of 5040) thin nodes of BULL supercomputer CURIE, using more than 300 TB of memory for 10 million hours of computing time. About 50 PBytes of data were generated throughout the run. Using an advanced and innovative reduction workflow the amount of useful stored data has been reduced to 500 TBytes.
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