Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1207.0355 (Rebeca Aladro et al.)

The influence of cosmic rays in the circumnuclear molecular gas of NGC1068    [PDF]

Rebeca Aladro, Serena Viti, Estelle Bayet, Denise Riquelme
We surveyed the circumnuclear disk of the Seyfert galaxy NGC1068 between the frequencies 86.2 GHz and 115.6 GHz, and identified 17 different molecules. Using a time and depth dependent chemical model we reproduced the observational results, and show that the column densities of most of the species are better reproduced if the molecular gas is heavily pervaded by a high cosmic ray ionization rate of about 1000 times that of the Milky Way. We discuss how molecules in the NGC1068 nucleus may be influenced by this external radiation, as well as by UV radiation fields.
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