Joao Magueijo, Laura Bethke
In this paper we conjecture the existence of a new "ground" state in quantum gravity, supplying a wave function for the inflationary Universe. We present its explicit perturbative expression in the connection representation, exhibiting the associated inner product. The state is chiral, dependent on the Immirzi parameter, and is the vacuum of a second quantized theory of graviton particles. We identify the physical and unphysical Hilbert sub-spaces. We then contrast this state with the perturbed Kodama state and explain why the latter can never describe gravitons in a de Sitter background. Instead, it describes self-dual excitations, which are composites of the positive frequencies of the right-handed graviton and the negative frequencies of the left-handed graviton. These excitations are shown to be unphysical under the inner product we have identified. Our rejection of the Kodama state has a moral tale to it: the semi-classical limit of quantum gravity can be the wrong path for making contact with reality (which may sometimes be perturbative but nonetheless fully quantum). Our results point towards a non-perturbative extension, and we present some conjectures on the nature of this hypothetical state.
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