Thursday, November 29, 2012

1211.6153 (Harley Katz et al.)

Two Epochs of Globular Cluster Formation from Deep Fields Luminosity Functions: Implications for Reionization and the Milky Way Satellites    [PDF]

Harley Katz, Massimo Ricotti
The ages of globular clusters in our own Milky Way are known with precision of about \pm 1 Gyr, hence their formation at redshifts z>~3 and their role in hierarchical cosmology and the reionization of the intergalactic medium remain relatively undetermined. Here we analyze the effect of globular cluster formation on the observed rest-frame UV luminosity functions (LFs) and UV continuum slopes of high redshift galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Fields. We find that the majority of present day globular clusters have formed during two distinct epochs: at redshifts z ~ 2-3 and at redshifts z>~6. The birth of proto-GC systems produce the steep, faint-end slopes of the galaxy LFs, and because the brightness of proto-GCs fades 5 Myrs after their formation, their blue colors are in excellent agreement with observations. Our results suggest that: i) the bulk of the old globular cluster population with estimated ages >~12 Gyr (about 50% of the total population), formed in the relatively massive dwarf galaxies at redshifts z>~6; ii) proto-GC formation was an important mode of star formation in those dwarf galaxies, and likely dominated the reionization process. Another consequence of this scenario is that some of the most massive Milky Way satellites may be faint and yet undiscovered because tidal stripping of a dominant GC population precedes significant stripping of the dark matter halos of these satellites. This scenario may alleviate some remaining tensions between CDM simulations and observations.
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