Thursday, November 29, 2012

1211.6450 (Jingying Wang et al.)

Exploring the Cosmic Reionization Epoch in Frequency Space: An Improved Approach to Remove the Foreground in 21 cm Tomography    [PDF]

Jingying Wang, Haiguang Xu, Tao An, Junhua Gu, Xueying Guo, Weitian Li, Yu Wang, Chengze Liu, Olivier Martineau-Huynh, Xiang-Ping Wu
Aiming to correctly restore the redshifted 21 cm signals emitted by the neutral hydrogen during the cosmic reionization processes, we re-examine the separation approaches based on the quadratic polynomial fitting technique in frequency space to investigate whether they works satisfactorily with complex foreground, by quantitatively evaluate the quality of restored 21 cm signals in terms of sample statistics. We construct the foreground model to characterize both spatial and spectral substructures of the real sky, and use it to simulate the observed radio spectra. By comparing between different separation approaches through statistical analysis of restored 21 cm spectra and corresponding power spectra, as well as their constraints on the mean halo bias $b$ and average ionization fraction $x_e$ of the reionization processes, at $z=8$ and the noise level of 60 mK we find that, although the complex foreground can be well approximated with quadratic polynomial expansion, a significant part of Mpc-scale components of the 21 cm signals (75% for $\gtrsim 6h^{-1}$ Mpc scales and 34% for $\gtrsim 1h^{-1}$ Mpc scales) is lost because it tends to be mis-identified as part of the foreground when single-narrow-segment separation approach is applied. The best restoration of the 21 cm signals and the tightest determination of $b$ and $x_e$ can be obtained with the three-narrow-segment fitting technique as proposed in this paper. Similar results can be obtained at other redshifts.
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